2 Secrets About Life From Software Development

It turns out that there is a lot of overlap between life and software development.

It's why I'm writing this. Learning to become a better developer can also help you become a better person. And by better person I mean becoming healthier, wealthier and wiser (the end goal right?).

Both points sound super obvious but are astonishingly important.

#1 Don't jump on a solution, find the problem first

You know that niggling feeling at the back of your mind?

The one that tells you to start running everyday. Or that you should start a podcast. We're all familiar with it. But those are all solutions. What's our mind/subconscious trying to fix?

If you dig deep and take the time to find out what the problem really is (why you brain is niggling you about it), you might actually commit, research, create and change.

#2 Always Google it first

So now that you know what the problem is or what needs to change, you can go about fixing it.

And the first thing you should do is google it. Seriously. Take the time to research. You're lucky to be alive today. Take full advantage of the biggest brain in the world. Odds are someone else had a similar problem to the one you are having.

It might sounds trivial but a lot of energy goes to waste when we don't define problems first and jump straight to solutions. Or when we don't research first.

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