• Santiago Chamon
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  • The Test to See If You Have What It Takes to Become a Software Developer

The Test to See If You Have What It Takes to Become a Software Developer

Are you curious to find out if you have what it takes to become a software developer?

It's not following a tutorial end to end. It's also not finishing a course from beginning to the end. It's actually got to do with project-based learning.

If you have not heard of project-based learning, I suggest you look it up.

And just so you avoid a lot of grief, you should be taking this step before embarking into a career change.

The step is picking a small project and building it from scratch, making it do what you want it to do and deploying it. Bonus points if you get other humans to play with it. This sounds simple but just like anything worth doing, it ends up being a lot harder.

Another hot tip to remove all analysis paralysis: just pick JavaScript and a JavaScript framework.

If you can do this, and you can get yourself unstuck, then you can probably become a developer.

Also the support so far has been amazing! Thanks for reading and subscribing everyone!

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